
The Rise of Digital Nomads: Working While Travelling (Part 2)

Do you dream of becoming a digital nomad? In my previous post, we discussed the pros of the digital nomad lifestyle. Certainly, there are a lot of great things about being a digital nomad. However, not everyone can be a digital nomad. The nomadic lifestyle requires a certain set of skills and personal traits that not everyone has or can attain.

Before you make the decision to adopt the digital nomad lifestyle, you need to carefully assess your own skills, expectations, and personal circumstances, to determine whether it is the life for you. It is not a one-size-fits-all lifestyle and you may find that it is not suitable for you.

Here are some of the negative aspects of a digital nomad’s life that are useful to know:

1. It can get lonely
Keeping in touch with family and friends can be difficult, especially if they are in different time zones. Digital tools and social media platforms may help bridge the gap somewhat, but these virtual interactions cannot fully replace in-person human connections. When things get tough, we need our family and friends as pillars of support. However, digital nomads cannot easily access this support network, which can cause them to feel isolated and depressed.

2. It is hard to maintain friendships
Digital nomads have a different lifestyle from their friends back home. It gets harder to relate to friends who have regular nine-to-five jobs and they may end up on different wavelengths and grow apart.

Digital nomads do make new friends but first they need to put themselves out there to make connections, which can be hard for many.

Dating is also difficult because, being on the move so much, it is difficult to build a deep and lasting relationship with anyone.

3. It lacks stability
The life of a digital nomad lacks stability. Their lifestyle involves frequent travelling, changing accommodation often, and unexpected challenges. Tney do not have a home base, they live out of a suitcase, they can’t enjoy the comforts of home. Neither do they have family and friends nearby to fall back on when they need them.

Since they are constantly on the move, it is hard for them to develop and maintain healthy habits and routines, such as waking up at the same time everyday. They often find themselves calling or meeting with clients at odd hours due to being in different time zones.

4. It is stressful
Starting out in a new city can be stressful, because there are so many things to be done. You need to sort out accommodation, unpack everything, find the nearest supermarket, get a local SIM card, learn the local language, make new friends, arrange the best time to call your clients in different time zones, etc, etc. Then when it is time to leave the place, you need to pack up, then do it all over again at the new destination.

Moreover, many people in your life may not understand your lifestyle. This may lead to misunderstandings and friction with your loved ones.

5. It is hard to maintain work/life balance
Even though you know that you are not on vacation, but when you are in a beautiful country for the first time, it is easy to get distracted from work and want to go sightseeing. It becomes a challenge to put in the required working hours and do the same amount of work you did before. Often you will also lack a good quality workspace and stable internet access. You will need time to adjust; during this time, your work can suffer. All these factors could lead to your work quality and productivity taking a deep dive. To make up for it, you may find yourself working longer hours, thus affecting your work/life balance.

There are many people out there who are living a fulfilling life as a digital nomad. On the other hand, there are also many who have quit their nomadic lifestyle because it just wasn’t suitable for them. Now that you have been informed about the pros and cons of a digital nomad lifestyle, you are better prepared to re-evaluate your goals and determine if the life of a digital nomad is the life for you.