
Eco-Friendly Travel: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Traveling the world and seeing new places is something that many of us dream of doing. However, with the growing concern about global climate change, it is important for us to reduce the carbon footprint left by travelers.

The following are some tips that we can adopt to travel in a manner that is considerate of both the environment and the communities we visit.

1. Pack less
The saying “less is more” is especially true when it comes to packing for travel. A heavy plane, car, or bus consumes more fuel, thereby producing higher emissions. Travelers can play a part in reducing carbon footprint by packing light. Start by using a lightweight suitcase and pack only essentials. Pack clothing that is easy to wash and that you can wear many times. Replace single-use items with sustainable alternatives. For example, by carrying a reusable water bottle, we can ensure that we always have water at hand without the need to buy plastic bottled water. Similarly, a reusable shopping bag can replace several plastic bags when we go shopping.

2. Choose Eco-Friendly Accommodation
Our accommodation choices may cause us to leave a large carbon footprint. Therefore, wherever possible, try to choose a hotel that is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint. Some things that hotels can do to cut their emissions include installing energy efficient fixtures and appliances, utilizing renewable energy, and automating temperature control. Some of these establishments even serve food that is prepared with locally-sourced organic ingredients. In this way, they not only reduce their carbon footprint, but also offer a fresh and authentic culinary experience.

Alternatively, why not opt for a homestay? A homestay gives you the opportunity of a cultural experience and observing firsthand how locals live. What’s more, homestays usually have more basic amenities, making them less carbon-intensive compared to hotels.

3. Limit flight time
The transportation choices that we make has a huge impact on the carbon footprint that we leave behind. Unfortunately, air travel is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in the tourism sector.

Although air travel is unavoidable for the world traveller, there are steps that we can take to mitigate the impact somewhat. Since takeoffs and landings are the most fuel-intensive parts of a flight, try to book non-stop flights on long distance trips. For shorter distances, consider alternatives like trains and buses.

An interesting point to note here is that an air passenger’s emissions are determined by the amount of space they take up on the plane. This means that a business class passenger’s carbon footprint is larger than that of an economy class passenger, because business class seats are wider. First class seats occupy even more space, thus having an even larger carbon footprint. Therefore, book economy to save money on your ticket while also saving the planet!

4. Use public transport
When exploring your destination city, use public transport to get around. Or better still, walk or cycle. These options not only contribute towards reducing emissions but also offer a closer, more genuine experience of the place. You get to see details and feel the local vibe, things which you often miss if you merely whiz by in a car.

5. Use less airconditioning and heating
Most of us conserve energy in our own homes to avoid high utility bills. However, we tend to be less conscientious about usage when we are on holiday because we are not the ones footing the bill.

Unfortunately, the more energy we use, the more carbon emissions we generate. Therefore, whether at home or away, we should always try to minimize our energy consumption. This includes turning off the lights, TV, and any other unnecessary electronics when not in use.

When visiting a hot climate, turn off the air conditioner in your hotel room before you leave for your day’s exploration. In colder destinations, turn down the heat when you are not in your room.

6. Buy less
Do you have souvenirs from holidays past that are just lying around because you never use them or even look at them?

Before buying anything, think about what you are going to do with it after you get home. It is better to buy practical items that you will actually use rather than souvenirs that you can only display. Support local artisans by buying from them instead of cheap mass-produced items that are imported.

The above tips are just some of the ways in which we can practise eco-friendly travel. By following these tips, we can contribute to the preservation of our travel destinations for future generations to enjoy.