
Cultural Immersion: How to Experience Local Life

Cultural immersion offers you the chance to see the world through fresh eyes as you learn different ways of thinking, acting, and living. You will return home from your travels with a new perspective and personal growth. Read on for some tips on how to immerse yourself in the culture of the places that you visit and have an extraordinary travel experience.

How to immerse yourself in a country’s culture

1. Research the local customs and traditions
Every country has a set of customs and traditions that play a big part in their people’s daily life. In order to understand this, it is important that you do some research before your trip.

Learn about some of the common ways in which the locals greet each other, how they say hello, and how they feel about eye contact. Check whether they remove their shoes before entering their homes and what is the acceptable mode of dressing. The more you are aware of the local culture, the more you will blend in. Locals will appreciate your efforts, and respect you more for being willing to immerse into their culture.

2. Learn the language
Learning all about a new language and speaking it fluently is difficult and time-consuming. However, picking up a few useful words and phrases is achievable. English may be a widely-spoken language, but be prepared that some locals might not speak it.

Learn some basic expressions like “hello”, “please” and “thank you.” It may even be helpful to learn how to say “I don’t speak (local language)”, or “do you speak English?” to help navigate certain situations. Saying “hi, how are you” in the local language may not seem like much, but the local people will appreciate your efforts.

3. Look beyond the tourist attractions
Certain places are must-see tourist attractions and you should make sure that you visit them. But try to find some places that are special to the locals and less seen by tourists. This is where being able to speaking the local language can come in handy, as you can ask locals for ideas of cool places to go. When you venture away from tourist crowds and hotspots, you discover hidden corners that reveal so much more about the country you’re visiting.

4. Enjoy the local cuisine
Food forms a big part of a culture and is a delicious way of having a truly authentic experience. Be sure to try the local dishes while traveling instead of just sticking to what you usually eat at home. And don’t forget the drinks. Believe me, a Guinness in Dublin tastes so much better than a Guinness in your hometown pub!

5. Do a homestay
One of the best ways to immerse culturally is to stay with a local family. A homestay will give you the opportunity to get to know your hosts, talk with them in their language, and learn about their values and beliefs. Additionally, you get to enjoy local home-cooked food and take part in their daily lives that would otherwise be inaccessible.

6. Take public transport
Instead of conveniently hopping into a taxi, join locals in taking trains, metros, buses, and trams. Not only will you save some money, public transport is perfect for people-watching. You will be travelling like the locals and experiencing for yourself their daily travel routine. You may even start feeling more like a local yourself!

7. Work or volunteer abroad
If you have time to spare and want a deeper, richer cultural experience, why not work with the locals or for a local business.

Whether it’s a paid job, volunteer opportunity, or a work exchange, working abroad will benefit you financially, educationally, and spiritually. Being part of the workforce will really put you in touch with the grassroots. You will live as their peer and experience for yourself their daily struggles and challenges.
(NOTE: If you are travelling on a tourist visa, most countries will not allow you to work. Make sure that you hold a visa that allows you to work)


Cultural immersions create connections between travellers and locals. By following the tips above, you will have an extraordinary travel experience that leaves you with a completely new perspective and experience.