
Staycation: Be A Tourist At Home!

When we think about travelling and vacations, we tend to think of going away to some far-off destinations, exotic places, and maybe even jet lag. But whoever said that travel has to mean going far from home? Moving through our hometowns with a renewed sense of wonder and curiosity can be just as restorative as exploring a new city in another country! All that is needed is that we detach from our routines and keep ourselves inquisitive about our surroundings.

When we travel abroad, we usually have limited time to explore new places. As a result, we tend to research beforehand and prepare a list of what to see and do. On the other hand, when we are in our own cities and towns, we have our preferences and go-tos; we seldom feel the need to try something different or inject some spontaneity into our daily routine.

What if we shifted our perspective a little by taking a visitor’s approach to the place where we live? We might try checking out some places where we have never been – yes, even the tourist hotspots that we locals tend to disdain.

Follow these tips on how to be a tourist in your own town and have an adventure right in your own backyard!

1. Do your research
In order to figure out the best ways to be a tourist in your own town, you need info e.g. where to go, what to eat, etc. To do this, you could do a Google search (but of course!). Check out the website of your local tourism board for the most up-to-date information on special events happening currently or in the next few weeks. Or just walk into their office for some free pamphlets and maps. You could also find tourism pamphlets in hotel lobbies.

2. See your city from a different perspective
If you want to see what your city looks like to another person, read some travel blogs! With so many travel blogs on the internet today, it should not be hard to find one for your city. Find some suggestions that match your interests and try them out.

Another way to get a different perspective is to use a different mode of transport. Do you usually drive around town? Try walking or biking everywhere instead. You will discover little shops, cute cafes and scenic spots that you normally zoom past without a second look. Look at the architecture of some old buildings that you usually whiz pass. You may have grown numb to them because you see them everyday. Taking time to look at them will help you to appreciate what you have in your city.

If you have never taken public transport in your city, now is the time to do it. Identify a neighbourhood that you would like to explore. Then hop on a bus to get there, and stroll around, popping into boutiques or cafes that interest you.

3. Think of your weekends as mini vacations
When you treat your weekends like a vacation i.e. prioritizing activities that you enjoy doing instead of working or doing housework, you will feel happier! Therefore, think about what you would usually do on a vacation. If your past trips have included museum visits, dinner reservations at top-tier restaurants, or excursions to national parks, see if any of these adventures are available nearby. Are there museums or art galleries that you have never been to? Which restaurants are on your bucket list? Is there a hike that you want to do in a wilderness area near you? Once you have decided what to do, set aside time on a weekend, then go out and do them!

Another surefire way to feel like a tourist in your own hometown is to do what real tourists would do and book somewhere to stay. Find a cool AirBnB or hotel right in the heart of the action and see how it feels to live in the middle of all that is going on in your hometown rather than the residential areas where most of us live.

4. Go where the tourists go
Locals usually disdain the typical tourist destinations in their areas, However, there is a reason that these spots are so popular and that tourists want to go there. Maybe it is that fancy restaurant in town or the one that is most famous for selling your hometown’s local delicacy. Whatever it is, make sure you check it out too, and don’t forget to order the most raved-about menu item!

Why not hop on a tour so that you can learn the history behind these locations. You could even book a local tour guide for a small-group tour that can be personalized to your interests. You could be surprised by how much you didn’t know about the city where you live. You might just end up seeing some of your familiar haunts in a new light.

While you are exploring all these places, don’t forget those all-important selfies. Whatever hot spot in your town has all the tourists snapping Instagram pics, it’s time to join them!

5. Strike up a conversation with other locals
When traveling, it is common to seek out recommendations from locals. At home, however, we are less inclined to do so. Maybe we don’t have the time, or we lack curiosity about where we live, or we are just too comfortable in our routine. Whatever the reason, it is worthwhile engaging with the people around you, maybe a cafe owner, a museum employee, or the person sitting next to you on the bus. You never know what you might learn. After all, you don’t know it all.

Taking a vacation doesn’t always have to mean travelling far from home. With these tips, you will be feeling like a tourist in your own city in no time!